The Grenoble Electrical Engineering laboratory (G2Elab)

The Grenoble Electrical Engineering laboratory (G2Elab)

Merging the former LEG (Grenoble Power Electrical Laboratory), LEMD (Laboratory of Electrostatics and Dielectric Materials), and LMN (Laboratory of Magnetism of the Ship) in 2007, G2Elab nowadays covers a wide spectrum of expertise in the field Electrical Engineering. Its activity can be summarized by the following keywords: electrical energy, materials, innovative processes and systems, modeling and design methods and software. The research carried out in G2Elab ranges from long term research up to collaborative research supported by a strong involvement in partnerships with large companies and SMEs. With more than 100 permanent staff, 110 PhD and 50 Masters, G2Elab appears as a major actor both nationally and internationally in these areas.



TECNALIA Research & Innovation is the first private Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) organization in Spain and one of the leading ones in Europe, with a staff of 1500 experts (including 192 Doctors), 22 headquarters and a turnover of 120 million Euro.The mission of TECNALIA is to transform knowledge into GDP, improving people’s quality of life by generating business opportunities for companies. To accomplish this, TECNALIA is organised in 7 interconnected sectorial Divisions: Energy and Environment Division, Sustainable Construction Division, Industry and Transport Division, ICT – European Software Institute Division, Innovation Strategies Division, Health Division, and Technological Services Division.TECNALIA’s offer includes different activities: technological services, testing and certification, R&D&I projects, transfer of industrial property, business promotion, business diversification, innovation management and foreign support.

Technical University of Sofia – Research and Development Sector

Technical University of Sofia – Research and Development Sector

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY of Sofia (TUS) is the largest higher engineering school in Bulgaria with long years of experience in training engineers. In the basis of created in 1945 State Polytechnic, in 1956 renamed into Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in 1995 was set up the Technical University of Sofia. Fifty five thousand are the engineers who have graduated and with the knowledge and skills acquired here have contributed to the development of Bulgarian industry. The Technical University of Sofia trains specialists in degree engineering courses essential for the industrial development: mechanical and electrical engineering, electronics, power generation, transport, automation, computer science and telecommunications, textile engineering, industrial management. TUS participates through its representatives in the activities of many international scientific organizations and TUS has signed cooperation agreements with 42 Schools of Higher Education in 16 countries.

Technical University of Denmark – DTU Electrical Engineering

Technical University of Denmark – DTU Electrical Engineering

The Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE) is a center for research, innovation and education at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), department of Electrical Engineering. CEE covers a broad range of electric technologies including production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity as well the interactions with other energy carrier systems such as district heating.

Stiftelsen SINTEF

Stiftelsen SINTEF

SINTEF Energy Research is part of the SINTEF Group, one of the largest non-profit research organizations in Northern Europe. SINTEF Energy Research is engaged in contract research in the national and international marketplace. Its R&D activities are focused on power production and energy converting, and also transmission and use of energy, including industrial processes and products, indoor climate and energy use in buildings. Issues concerning the deregulation of the electricity markets in Scandinavia and other parts of the world have for many years been a main activity. Contributions are also made to different energy related problems, which may arise onshore and offshore. These tasks range from system analysis to component and equipment assessments. SINTEF Energy Research has a staff of about 230 that ensures close co-operation between power engineering and mechanical engineering and focuses particularly on environmental issues. The institute has been a major actor on the energy research arena in the EU for many years.

Sandia National Laboratories/ the U. S.

Sandia National Laboratories/ the U. S.

The Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL) at Sandia National Laboratories conducts research to integrate emerging energy technologies into new and existing electricity infrastructures and accommodate the nation’s increasing demands for clean, secure, and reliable energy. Sandia’s research spans generation, storage, and load management at the component and systems levels and examines advanced materials, controls, and communications to achieve the Lab’s vision of a reliable, low-carbon electric infrastructure. DETL research is conducted on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Defense, and other customers, often in collaboration with industry and academic partners.

Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico S.p.A. (RSE)

Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico S.p.A. (RSE)

Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico SpA has been established at the end of 2005 to take over funded research activities of national and international interest and it started operating on January 1st, 2006. The company, formed by nearly three hundred fifty technicians and researchers, carries out research in the electricity and energy sectors, with strong emphasis on experimental applications. Focus of the mission is to ensure the technology transfer in order to address the national energy, environmental and economic goals. RSE is currently entirely owned by GSE \\\”Gestore Servizi Energetici\\\” S.p.A and represents an important public research centre in the sector.

Research Center on Renewable Electrical Energy Systems (SEER)

Research Center on Renewable Electrical Energy Systems (SEER)

SEER, the research center on Renewable Electrical Energy Systems at the Technical University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech, develops leading edge research projects at the international excellence level with the aim of making real today the electrical networks of the future. In cooperation with both international companies and institutions SEER conducts multi-disciplinary research activities focused on: Power generation based on renewable energies, mainly wind and solar; Grid integration of distributed generation systems; Exploitation of energy storage systems in electrical networks; Active, flexible and intelligent electrical networks; Power quality and energy efficiency improvement and Advanced control of electrical systems. To know more about us, please goggle by our SEER site or contact us at

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Instituto de Energía Solar

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Instituto de Energía Solar

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the largest Spanish technical university with more than 3000 faculty members and has a strong commitment to R&D and Innovation. UPM’s researchers publish a yearly average of 1.200 journal papers, 2.000 conference communications, and 200 PhD theses. The IES is a UPM Research Institute devoted exclusively to photovoltaic research, created in 1979. It carries out R&D into photovoltaic fundamentals, solar cells, concentrators and system issues.

University of Luxembourg – Interdisciplinary Centre for Reliability / Security and Trust (SnT)

University of Luxembourg – Interdisciplinary Centre for Reliability / Security and Trust (SnT)

Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust of the University of Luxembourg targets research and PhD education. SnT fosters interaction and collaboration with industrial, international, and government partners. The Centre’s strategic research agenda is formed around interdisciplinary research platforms (IRP) that provide an interface to external partners and a forum to define and launch research projects. SnT\’s Netpower Lab provides infrastructure for the implementation of prototype nano or micro grids based on a number of freely programmable voltage source inverters in the range of 5-10kVA. Netpower Lab is designed to integrate different communication devices, particularly with realtime or industrial busses (SCADA systems) controlling the power units.