Country: Germany


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Description: Jülich is an interdisciplinary, publicly funded research center with a staff of about 5.000 members working on the areas of health, energy and environment. One of the institutes at Jülich, the IEK5-Photovoltaik, concentrates its work on thin film silicon solar cells and related materials for several decades. Jülich Supercomputing Center JSC operates several high performance supercomputers. Access to on of these supercomputers is provided via Sophia trans national access.



Computing resources and modelling of solar cells
Description: The supercomputer facility is installed at and operated by Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) which is one of the institutes of Research Centre Jülich. At present it has 95 staff and about 35 third-party funded members, provides supercomputer resources, IT tools, methods and know-how for the Research Centre Jülich and for more than 200 German and European projects. With JUGENE (100 Tflop) and JUROPA (2.5 T flop), the Forschungszentrum Jülich operates two of the largest supercomputers worldwide that are available to the general scientific community. Community- oriented support is provided by so-called Simulation Laboratories – domain-specific research and support units for different scientific communities. The newly funded German Research School for Simulation Sciences (GRS), a joint venture of Research Centre Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, offers programmes for master and doctoral students. Studies include all subjects relevant for simulation on high-performance computers ranging from the disciplinary sciences like physics, chemistry, or biology, to interdisciplinary fields like numeric and computer science.
Static Equipment

Description: Parallel SMP-cluster; 2,208 compute nodes, 2 quad-core Nehalem-EP processors each; 207 Tflops peak performance; File server and disk storage capabilities; Access to software packages for various applications in quantum chemistry, physics, engineering and visualisation; Technical support from JSC staff for porting, benchmarking and optimization of application codes on the specific supercomputing architecture in close collaboration with the applicant; Access to experimental material data for the calibration of models, provided by the IEK5-Photovolaics at Forschungszentrum Jülich; Limitations or constraints: 50,000 Tflop-hours will be provided subject to the regulations of TNA and upon a thorough review process considering both scientific quality and the compliance with the technical requirements, which are: Minimum number of cores per job: 8 (1 node); Maximum RAM per node (8 cores): 22 GB; Maximum 512 nodes; Proof of scaling under production conditions with I/O

last updated:02.09.2016

Forschungszentrum Juelich