Country: United Kingdom


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Description: CREST was established in 1993, striving to be a national centre of excellence in the field of renewable energy system technology research. CREST is one of the leading providers in renewable energy education in Europe, operating courses on undergraduate as well as postgraduate level. Currently more than 350 students are registered on the various postgraduate courses on renewable energy systems technologies, which include a distance learning course. The applied photovoltaics research group will lead the participation in this.


Module Characterisation Facility

Description: CREST is the UKs leading research facility into photovoltaic module performance. It has an extensive range of indoor and outdoor characterization tools available for evaluating photovoltaic modules. The laboratory represents the UK on the IEC as well as CENELEC on PV module issues.
Static Equipment
Outdoor monitoring stand

Description: For freely ventilated, insulated or heated modules. Systems for high power and low power exist as well as specialized tracing equipment. Currently more than 70 modules are continuously under test. A further 50 channels can be operated. Channels are I-V swept in 10 minute intervals, samples can be kept at Isc, Voc, MPPT in between measurements.
Software for energy yield prediction and energy rating

Steady state solar simulator specifically designed for BIPV

Thermally controlled dedicated dark room

Tracker for outdoor device calibration

last updated:02.09.2016

Loughborough University – Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology