Country: France


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Description: INES is the reference center in France, and one of the first in Europe, dedicated to research, inno-vation and training on solar energy. Set up with the support of the Savoie Departmental Council and Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, it hosts teams from the CEA and the University of Savoie, and is supported by the CNRS and the CSTB. INES currently employs 300 staff, a figure that will rise to 500 engineers and scientists, on a 22,000-m² site equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.

The research teams of INES investigate all aspects of solar photovoltaic energy – silicon materials, cells, modules, systems, electricity storage, demonstrations and tests. The institute’s scientists are currently studying methods for producing solar-quality silicon metal, increasing the efficiency of solar cells and developing storage systems for innovative forms of energy. In the field of solar thermal, R&D will be carried out to optimize existing products and to adapt these products according to their usage or the complementary energy used (wood, gas, etc.). Other research fields include the development of combined systems (hot water and heating) and solar climate control. Building-integrated solar energy and the active management of combined thermal and electrical sources are also major research streams for INES, whose objective is to develop “positive energy” technologies that produce more energy than they consume. INES is also carrying out important research into solar mobility.

The heart of the infrastructure is the hardware in the loop simulator which allows the simulation of any complex grid situation and which transforms a specific grid points into reality with the use of 45kVA three phase power stages. This can be used to test specific components and the different control and management strategies. The hardware in the loop simulator is integrated in the multi microgrid platform PRISMES, which covers the complete campus of INES. Single phase and triple phase grids are available at the platform, which are completely independent allowing running different projects in parallel.
The labs cover a range of 18 – 125 kVA.



BIPV system test facility

Description: France has the willingness to encourage BIPV installations with a specific feed-in tariff set at 0.60 €/kWh. At CEA-INES, the research activity on BIPV is growing rapidly. Our research activities are to develop methods to determine the BIPV performance and also to develop innovative BIPV products.
Mobile Equipment
PASSYS cells

Description: Façade element including BIPV elements which have a strong interaction with the building.

Grid-connected PV system facility

Description: 2 * 5 channels for long term inverter performance tests with real PV-modules, in two different climates.
Static Equipment
PV generator (3)

Description: multicristalline-Si
PV generator (4)

Description: amorphous Si
PV generator (5)

Description: multicristalline-Si
Mobile Equipment

Description: 2 units
Indoor and Outdoor PV Module Performance test facility


Description: INES, the French national institute for solar energy, results from the gathering of most of the French research actors in the field of solar energy. The INES/L2S team deals with the development of innovations in the field of photovoltaic components and systems.
Static Equipment
I-V test benches

Description: Characterization of PV in outdoor conditions under two different climates. Each test bench is able to monitor 24 modules. IV-curves are scanned every 5 minutes and contain about 100 points. At the same time, temperature of the module at the backside, ambient temperature, irradiance in the plane of the modules measured by pyranometer and reference cell, and some other weather data are measured.
Pasan Sun Simulator IIIa

Description: Determination of the IV-curve under nominal operation conditions for module sizes up to 1,5m x 1,5m.

Inverter test facility

Description: testing of inverters up to 10kW, including PV-UPS systems
Static Equipment
Spitzenberger 15kVA grid simulator PAS15000

Schulz/Delta PV-array simulator

Description: 2 * 300V/20A module simulator
Mobile Equipment

Description: 2 units

Module characterisation

Description: Outdoor evaluation of energy rating of PV modules. Continuous scanning of I/V curves. Compatible with the Varaible Illumination Measurement (VIM) method, which allows for determination of the equivalent circuit parameters, and for the precise monitoring of module degradation. Each setup monitors 24 modules. Available in two different climates. Other climates (desert, high alps, etc.) under construction.
Module evaluation facility
Description: Outdoor evaluation of energy rating of PV modules. 12 real size test systems with performance monitoring.
Static Equipment
PV generator (2)

Description: 10 2kW systems of different technologies (mono- and multi-crystalline Si, thin film amorphous, HIT, CdTe)

Module laboratory

Description: The INES/module team deals with the development of innovations in the field of photovoltaic components and systems.
Static Equipment
Climatic chambers

3s (Swiss Solar Systems) Laminator S1815E

Description: Module (max): 1,7 x 1,37m; Thickness: max 20 mm; Module weight (max): 100 kg; Encapsulation: EVA (fast) / PVB / TPU; Configuration: Glass / Tedlar or Glass / Glass.
Wafers and Connection pick & place with dispensing and press

Description: Wafers positions XY accuracy: ±0,2 mm; Connection bands XY accuracy: ±0,2 mm; Gap between two wafers: Min 0,2 mm, Max 3 mm.

Multi Micro grid platform (PRISMES)

Description: PRISMES consists of a LV microgrid, including several generators with different technologies (renewable and conventional), controllable loads, electrical vehicles and storage systems. PRISMES can provide electricity to the main grid and is supervised. The availability of a real time simulator allows to test advanced inverter concepts. PRISMES allows to integrate PV generators, stationary storage, and energy management systems to validate smart grid integration concepts for electric vehicles. A centralised supervision system is visible in a control room, demonstrating the operation of the vehicle charging platform andthe aggregation of energy management systems. 160kW PV are available for PRISMES. There is also a solar charging station located at CEA in Grenoble, and both facilities enable technology development and demonstration for industrial partners.
Static Equipment
Grid-connected storage

Description: 5kW lead-acid and 5kWc Li-ion
INES/CEA Modular electrical network

Description: 9 AC channels: 6*5kW , 2*30kW, 1*100kW 4 DC channels: 2*20kW, 2*5kW
Photowatt PV generator (1)

Description: modular generator with 1*30kWc + 10* 5kWc, testing of inverters up to 80kW in real conditions
PV Modules

Description: About 160 kW photovoltaic modules which are divided into more than ten freely configurable different PV systems with single phase and triple phase inverters
Fuel generator

Description: 45 kVA conventional fuel generator
Electrochemical storage systems

Description: Redox flow battery (10kW/100kWh), high-temperature NaNiCl2 storage (90kW/140kWh), Li-Ion storage (25kW/25kWh)
Charching station

Description: Solar Mobility charging station with 20kW PV generator and more than 18 electric vehicle charging terminals, two of them with an associated stationary storage system electric load simulator (125kW)
Multi Micro grid platform (PRISMES) – Solar Mobility Concept
Description: PRISMES consists of a LV microgrid, including several generators with different technologies (renewable and conventional), controllable loads, electrical vehicles and storage systems. PRISMES can provide electricity to the main grid and is supervised. The availability of a real time simulator allows to test advanced inverter concepts. PRISMES allows to integrate PV generators, stationary storage, and energy management systems to validate smart grid integration concepts for electric vehicles. A centralised supervision system is visible in a control room, demonstrating the operation of the vehicle charging platform andthe aggregation of energy management systems. 160kW PV are available for PRISMES. There is also a solar charging station located at CEA in Grenoble, and both facilities enable technology development and demonstration for industrial partners.

Permeameter for barrier measurements and climatic chamber

Description: To have a better sensitivity in barrier measurements, the LCS laboratory patented an apparatus combining mass spectrometer detection and isotope labelling in order to be able to measure permeation levels as low as 10-5 g/m².d for H2O (and 10-3 cm3/m².d for O2) with accuracy, and with a high degree of confidence.
Static Equipment
INES/CEA Climatic chamber

Description: A climatic chamber to measure OPV parameters in a controlled atmosphere (temperature and humidity) is available. Range of T°C : -40°C to 180°C; Range of relative hygrometry : 10% to 98%; Cycle capabilities; Solar simulator integrated (AM 1.5, 1000 W/m²); Window of irradiation : 50 x 60 cm; Volume 340 liters.

Pumping systems test bench

Description: 2 channels for testing PV pumps up to 5kW with real PV supply

Stand-alone PV system facility

Description: 8 test channels for outdoor testing of Solar Home Systems, possibility to follow IEC62124 procedure


Description: The experimental STORE facility is used to characterise the performance and aging of a range of electricity storage technologies, mainly electrochemical. It is the largest facility in Europe for the study of renewable energy storage and distributed electricity generation. The facilities provided by STORE may also be used in other energy storage applications such as electric vehicles. The tests normally involve a sequence of charge- discharge cycles with controlled profiles and temperatures. The protocols used depend on the target application and the conditions under which the energy storage system is to be used (independent or grid connected photovoltaic system, electric vehicle, etc.).
Static Equipment
Thermal Hazard Technologies Accelerating Rate Calorimeter

Description: safety tests for lithium batteries
INES/CEA Battery test bench B02

Description: 4 test channels 70V-30A with PV production, controlled temperature 20-55°C (water bath)
Digatron Battery test bench P3-1

Description: 1-channel cycling test bench 86V-200A or 26V-400A, with 10s-700A pulses, for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd and Li batteries, controlled temperature -40 to +60°C (climatic chamber)
Digatron Battery test bench P3-2

Description: 4-channels cycling test bench 20V-300A for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd and Li batteries, controlled temperature -40 to +60°C (climatic chamber)
Digatron Battery test bench P4

Description: 4-channels cycling test bench 20V-400A for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd and Li batteries, constant temperature 23°C
Digatron Battery test bench P5

Description: 1-channel cycling test bench 500V-300A for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd and Li batteries, constant temperature 23°C
INES/CEA Battery test bench P6

Description: 4-channels cycling test bench 40V-30A for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd and Li batteries, constant temperature 23°C
INES/CEA Battery test benches B03 to B12

Description: 40 cycling test channels 20V-30A for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd batteries, controlled temperature 20-55°C (water bath)
INES/CEA Battery test benches P1-P2

Description: 8 cycling test channels 20V-100A for Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd batteries, controlled temperature 20-55°C (water bath)
Mobile Equipment
ISEA EIS-meter

Description: Impedance meter for batteries, 4-20V, 20A

SUSI platform

Description: INES can propose, with the SUSI platform, facilities focused on crystallisation and wafer processing, as well as Silicon characterisation.
Static Equipment
Agilent ICP-MS

Description: Characterization equipment, ppb resolution for B, P and metallic elements analysis in Si feedstock.
Cyberstar Inductive furnace

Description: Crystallisation equipment with a radial induction coil and a heat extraction by conduction.

Description: Characterization equipment, 1.6 nm resolution including EBIC and STEM analysis
TIV Resistive furnace

Description: Cristalisation equipment fully instrumented with gas analysis, high temperature endoscopic visualisation, variation of partial pressure atmosphere, and both heat extraction by conduction and from radiation. The crucible size of maximum 60kg allow the production of 4 bricks of 156*156 mm2.


Simulation/Optimisation Tools: RTLab
Quality Management: All laboratories are certified according to ISO9001:2008.
Testing Services:
The Hardware-in-the-loop simulator together with the multi microgrid platform provides a complete range of Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) solutions to quickly develop, iterate and test control strategies for:

  • PV and storage power plant connected to grid
  • Storages (batteries, flywheel etc.)
  • Ancillary services (voltage control, frequency control, stability control etc.)
  • Microgrid operation, control and protection

last updated: 07.03.2017

Commisariat à l´Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) – INES